Min Jae Eom
MFA 2020
Trace Collector #8, 2020. Fine silver, sterling silver.
Artist Statement
Everything around us has been touched, used, cracked, broken - evidence that reveals an object’s existence and experience. I create simple surfaces and forms that when carried on the body, slowly gather traces of the wearer. The marks that are collected through these time-based works are not simply scratches, dents and stains; rather, they become a witness, a form of archive embodying the history and coexistence between user and object. These truly unique traces share a memory with the wearer, accumulating sentimental value and highlighting the most overlooked and intimate forms of contact.
Trace Collector#1, 2020. Fine silver, sterling silver.
Trace Collector#2, 2020. Fine silver, sterling silver.
Trace Collector #20, 2020. Fine silver, sterling silver.
Trace Collectors#50, 2020. Fine silver, sterling silver.
Born in South-Korea Min Jae Eom is a metalsmith and contemporary jeweler who mainly works with traces. Currently enrolled in Dankook University PhD Metal program he finished his BFA degree at Dankook University and MFA degree at SUNY New Paltz. His works question how objects create bonds with the user. Collecting various traces in our daily lives he focuses on the overlooked and intimate forms of contact. Vessels and art jewelries are his main field in studies. His works were selected and exhibited by Alliages gallery in France and Marzee gallery ‘international graduate show 2020’ in the Netherlands.
Instagram: @jae_g08