© splop design
Metal + ? = is an exhibition featuring a range of artists who incorporate metal into their work. Metal can have both structural and aesthetic purposes ranging from its strength and springiness, to its shiny and textured surfaces. How do these attributes of metal change when interacting with the piece digitally? These artists utilize and showcase these features and how they mingle with other materials. Artists are encouraged to submit images of pieces that use metal in any capacity, in both two- and three-dimensional work. Metal + ? = will also consider performative, video, and new media pieces that involve metal.
Awards: $200 (1st Place), $50 (two Honorable Mention)
Entry deadline: March 1st, 2021
Notification of acceptance: March 31st, 2021
Virtual exhibition launch: April 30th, 2021
Submission Requirements:
Artists may submit up to 3 works, with 1 full image, 1 detail image (optional), and 1 video (optional) per work.
Image Submission
File size: 2000 pixels or greater on the longest side, 72 dpi, under 3MB for each image.
File type: jpg, png, gif.
File name: Lastname_Firstname_Title; Lastname_Firstname_Title_detail.
Entry fee: $5 - $30
Students and emerging artists are encouraged to apply to this virtual exhibition. In order to keep this opportunity open to artists of all financial means there is a sliding scale for the application fee. The fee can be as little as $5 up to $30. Please consider these fees contribute to the overall execution of the exhibition and any amount $5 and over will be greatly appreciated.
For questions contact: splopdesign@gmail.com
For more information and to apply: https://www.splopdesign.com/call-for-entry