KORU7 Exhibition
Deadline: May 1, 2021
The Finnish Jewellery Art Association hereby announces the open call for the juried exhibition at the seventh international jewellery triennial KORU7. The exhibition is aimed at all professional artists or artist groups who are working as jewellery artists, as well as artists from other fields, who concentrate to create new ideologies and aesthetic views in the sense of contemporary jewellery.
The main purpose of the event is to widely present international contemporary jewellery and bring together artists, lecturers, researchers and people with an interest in contemporary jewellery to take part in the exhibition, seminar and workshops. The event will take place in Lappeenranta, Finland in October 2021.
The exhibition will open on the 29th of October 2021 in the South Karelia Museum. As in previous years, the association aims to print an exhibition catalogue. Information about the workshops and the seminar program will be announced later.
The event is organized by the Finnish Jewellery Art Association. The association was founded in Lappeenranta in 2005. It aims to promote contemporary jewellery in Finland and to improve its recognition as an art and design form. Another goal of the association is to increase awareness about Finnish jewellery internationally. As means towards those ends the association organizes exhibitions, presentations and discussion panels and distributes information about events.
The jury for the KORU7 exhibition is composed of three members:
Karin Roy Andersson(SE); Jewellery artist and manager of the contemporary jewellery gallery Four
Krister Gråhn(FI); sculptor
Tarja Tuupanen(FI); Jewellery artist and chairwoman of Finnish Jewellery Art Association
There is no overall theme for this call. The jury aims to compose an exhibition that shows contemporary jewellery in its many facets, with fresh perspectives and attitudes in today’s world, to draw together a selection of art pieces with interesting relations to each other.
Applications will be treated anonymously. Each applicant can suggest 1–10 current pieces made no earlier than 2019. There are several months between the publication of the open call and the application deadline,which is meant to encourage the production of new pieces. Artists may apply with finished pieces that will be available as is for the exhibition in October. The form of an art piece is not limited, it can be wearable pieces, installation, video etc.
The participation is free of charge, but the selected artists will be responsible for sending the pieces to Finland, which includes possible insurance and postal costs as well as customs formalities and fees. The organizer will be responsible to insure the pieces during the exhibition, as well as for the costs of sending them back to the artist.
For questions please contact: koruevent@gmail.com
For more information and to apply, visit: https://www.koru7.fi/#Exhibition-open-call