Sarah Ellis
BFA 2020
Catfish Village, 2020. Papier mache, brass, heat shrink tubing, wood, thread.
Ground Cherry, 2019. Copper, silver.
Artist Statement
The idea of home has been at the forefront of my life. Whether it is my own concerns or simply the shared feelings of my generation, it always seems to worm back into my mind and conversations. It crawls its way into my work without my noticing, manifesting in two distinct but deeply intertwined ways: leaving ‘home,’ or a place one would like to stop calling home and finding ‘home,’ finding a new place to carve out one’s nook.
The colloquial home is a fluid concept to me, not simply a place but an idea to explore through many forms, materials and metaphors. My objects orbit the facets of home through a lighthouse worn on the hand intended to guide, a hand held compass-bearing globe, a wearable catfish, a cherry tomato husk to hold a piece of a home, and a winged anklet.
The lighthouse serves as a beacon, but not a traditional, stationary one.
Would you give it to a person who you consider your home?
Something for them to wear and guide you back? Maybe.
The precious globe is another object made to prompt questions.
Would you use it to look for a new place?
To find an old one?
Do you need to chase down the catfish that swallowed a town?
Or watch it swim away while you sit on the shore, letting go a place where you once lived?
These are some questions posed by a few of the pieces. Conclusions are personal.
No answer is wrong.
Hermes’ Anklets, 2020. Fabric, bird wings, paint, cord, eyelets.
The Lighthouse, 2019. Copper, brass, bronze, silver.
The Globe, 2020. Silver, gold, brass, copper.
Born and raised in New England, Sarah Ellis has always drawn upon the world she knows. Burning curiosity has dwelled in her as far as anyone can remember, further fueled by a mother who was a painter. Throughout her early years she never found herself tied down in a single medium. But, in her sophomore year, she delved into and fell in love with metal and jewelry arts. In the spring of 2020 she earned her Bachelors of Fine Art in Jewelry and Metalsmithing. She currently resides in Stow, MA, where she continues to forge her home.