Marin Hilbrich

BFA 2020

Ghost Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, patina.

Ghost Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, patina.



I became interested in the subconscious mind because of the way it protects the conscious mind by organizing memories. It edits memories so that some are readily available for recall and it stores the rest to be processed in dreams. Tapping into the information that lies in the subconscious through automatic drawing and experimentation is the key to freeing myself from preconceived ideas about art. This collection of brooches uses intuitive and experimental methods of traditional practices. Through the use of these methods, I strengthen the trust between myself and my intuition. Each piece is an example of a debate between conscious and subconscious decisions. They are all a product of the conversation I am having with myself about rules. The different methods of making this work feel similar even though the actual processes are completely different. The act of automatic drawing feels similar to enameling and the enameling feels similar to painting. I am flexing the same intuitive muscle each time I use one of these processes. The automatic drawings provide the brooches with their form while the enamel gives each piece their depth and color. Neither of those steps begin with a plan and rely solely on intuition. Throughout this body of work, I have studied my subconscious and listened to what it had to say.

Tension Identity Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, patina.

Tension Identity Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, patina.

Squeeze Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, silver.

Squeeze Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, silver.

Tangle Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, silver.

Tangle Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, silver.

Fringe Garden Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, silver.

Fringe Garden Brooch, 2020. Copper, enamel, silver.

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Marin Hilbrich is a graduate from the Ball State Metals BFA program. She prefers to work experimentally through traditional metal processes. Her interests lie in exploring the intuitive nature of making artwork through wearable forms and watercolor paintings.  

 Her work has been included in SNAG Adorned Spaces 2019, SIU Southern Illinois Metalsmiths Society Forge, Form, Fabricate 2019, and Ball State University Student Show 2020.

Instagram: @Marin_Metal